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Six Senses Shaharut

by Andrew Wasserstein

“A Love Letter to the Middle East”

Tel AvivIsrael

The Dave

by Meryl Fontek

“What happens at The Dave stays at The Dave…”

Tel AvivIsrael

Poli House

by Yasha Wallin

“If the Futurists and Art Deco movement had a child...”

Tel AvivIsrael

Hotel Montefiore

by Ross Belfer

“Talk about #decorgoals.”

Tel AvivIsrael

The Norman

by Darrell Hartman

“Some of the most polished service you’ll get in casual Tel Aviv.”

Mitzpe RamonIsrael

Beresheet Hotel

by Nicole Haime

“Remote tranquility meets family getaway.”


Mamilla Hotel

by Nicole Haime

“Contemporary architectural gem served by warm historic comfort.”